Our Aim

To provide schools and businesses with a high quality service that aims to take the stress out of finding Relief Staff by enabling school and business representatives to focus on their core business of being productive, leading, teaching and learning.  While also providing Relief Staff with an avenue to find Teaching and Non-Teaching jobs by being recognised by a number of schools and businesses.

The Birth of an Idea!

The Relief Staff Maestro (RSM) was developed as a result of watching leaders in education focusing on this time consuming and at times stressful administrative task.  We believe our RSM 'System' provides leaders with more time to focus on their core business!

Our Relief Staff Maestro System:

  • Has been designed in consultation with W.A. Catholic Primary and Secondary Schools.
  • Was developed by educators as a simple 'System' for finding Relief Staff within minutes / seconds of making a Booking Request.
  • Relieves the stress of finding Relief Staff on the Go!

  • Allows Relief Staff to have access to, and be accessed by, many schools and businesses - leading to an increase in potential Bookings!
  • Provides Schools and Businesses with the opportunity to access Qualified Relief Staff, Teachers, Specialists, Education Assistants, Education Assistant - Special Needs, OSH Carers, School Officers and School Cleaning Staff, from a sizeable database.
  • Facilitates (if required by the School or Business) all the necessary checks before activating Relief Staff.
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